I guess it is time for another update. I found and fixed a small electrical mistake I made, it only cost me one bulb to find. The jetting is getting very close to being correct. Dialing in the jetting has been tougher I think since the bike never was at 100% when I have rode it, so I am always worrying that I am expecting too much from what is now a 80cc motor. I also repacked the silencer, it was partly because it had blown some packing out, and partly because I had the stuff sitting around to do it. I think a change in gearing might be in the cards soon, first gear is super short, almost useless really, it would be great off-road but as a pit bike and city runaround I think I will loose some low-end for more top-end. I rode it for the first time today in traffic to the gas station, it has been a long time since I put only $2.50 of gas into a bike.
Currently the indicated top speed on a flat is 30 mph with me riding it, I weighed in this morning without gear at 220 lbs.
More Mini-Trail news, I have been finding lots of reasons to run to the corner store on it for testing. Anyways I swapped out the 13t front sprocket for a rather hooked 15t I had sitting around. I figured with first gear so short I would test some new gearing. With the 15-35 gear ratio (stock is 13-35, and the first few years of production ran 15-35) I was able to hit 35mph on the flat before I ran out of road. I now plan on ordering both a new 15t front sprocket as well as a 16t on my next parts order. On the jetting front the 68.5 main seemed to be working well, but I did a test run with the 70 main and it was definitely running rich with that, so the 68.5 will go back in. The big issue I need to address at the moment is the swingarm pivot bolt. There is noticeable lateral play in the swingarm, hopefully a new bolt will resolve this. I also need to install the brake light switch and replace the tail light bulb. I burnt out the 6v bulb due to the wiring mishap I mentioned earlier and have a 12v (1157) in it now, it glows but not as bright as it should.
The bike is almost to the point of being semi usable transportation. I am now aiming for 40mph on a long straight as a top speed, I think with regearing it will be possible. To be honest I am not sure if I want to go much fast than that on this bike, the tiny 3" drum brakes are touchy at best.
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